iD7 Organizational Work

Our insights help organizations discover and develop their greatest asset, their people.

The more you understand the people that are working for you and with you the better you can do everything. Your human capital is the most important asset you have in your organization. This is where all of your talent, creativity and productivity comes from. Creating a culture that supports your people is critical to your performance and ability to achieve your goals. We are experts in how people think about themselves and their world. We can help you and your people increase your understanding of one another and the work that you are doing.

Our Approach

If you tap into the human factor of your workforce you will see exponential increase in every area of your organization.

We have developed tools and processes that help each person understand their intrinsic motivations design. This will go a long way to helping to increase your organizations engagement and performance. Our models, methods and processes were designed to help each person to take those insights and make key decisions that will allow them to thrive and fully see their potential optimize for the goals they have.

Help your people discover and learn about their unique designs and its abilities.

Develop work strategies that support the unique strengths and approaches that make up your workplace.

Make tools and resources available that will allow your people to leverage their unique designs.

Create a culture of honor where everyone can thrive and use their unique designs.


Our work focuses on helping to enhance the people aspect of the work. We excel at helping people understand one another and use those insights to achieve remarkable things together. They will able to build closer more committed connections. They will also understand how to approach the work in a way that allows them to do their best and be the best. Every area of your operations is impacted the people who work there. Creating a culture that allows to thrive will not increase your bottom line but will create a place that changes lives.


As your people’s performance increases so will their productivity and the productivity of the organizations. You will be able to craft the work in such a way that will allow you to harness the natural strengths and tendencies of your people. It’s going to take some out of the box thinking and some work but we have the tools and the knowledge to help you change.


Getting people to enjoy working together makes the environment and culture special. It makes people want to work there and work with who is there. We work with all types of organizations, teams and groups to help them develop the mindsets, values and practices that will create a health and harmonious workplace.


Nowadays people are looking for the work they do to matter. They want to be involved in something they deem as being important. They want it to add value in unique and powerful ways. Purpose and Significance is many different things to each person. Understanding their individual designs will help you connect with what is most important to them and even decided if this is a right fit for them.


Just because you have people working together in the same place or doing the same things doesn’t mean that you have synergy. You need people to make one another better as they work together. They need to work together in such a way that the outcome from the group is greater than from then working independently. It is also results in them being about to do things that they could never do.

Who we work with:


Leadership + Management

Teams + Departments

We work with anyone that is interested in gaining a deeper understand of who they are, why they do what they do and or what they can do as a result of these insights. We believe that everyone can benefit from discovering and learning more about themselves.

Areas of Focus


Insights about you and those you will work with help you engage the work in a new and exciting way. You will understand yourself, others and the work in a way that allows approach it using your strengths and natural drives.

Creativity + Innovation

Creativity and innovation are so important to an organization. It is a part of problem solving as well as coming up with the step moving toward your vision. People who see their unique abilities and approaches as assets will use them to create and innovate knowing that what they come up with will be valued. The affirmation that they have gotten from the organization around them empowers them to take the risk of doing something new.


More people feel comfortable with those around them the more connected and vulnerable they will be. This will cause people to care for one another and feel that each person is valued. Connection causes people to not just do work together but do life together. They are more aware of the little things that matter to each person and will go out of their way to support one another.

Performance Boost

Much of how we perform is centered around how we work and the way the work is crafted. Your organization’s and team’s effectiveness and efficiency is connected to how each individual engages the work. The more the work flows with their natural way of doing things the better the results they will produce. They will also be able to reproduce the results more consistently. We can help you develop strategies for crafting the work in ways that tap into the hidden wealth of each person’s design.

 Leadership Development

The best way to develop leaders is to understand what type of leader they are. You will be able to hone in on their natural strengths and unique perspectives. You will be able to help them develop as leaders and meet the unique challenges they face.

Strengths Development

We help people develop their natural abilities and learn how to use them to make a difference in the work they do. This doesn’t just help them do their work better it causes them to enjoy it more. When people in enjoy the work they are doing they in turn are more about it and the outcome. They are more willing to do the little things that make the difference. They tend to take initiative to get things done. Paying attention to people strengths ultimately is a way of setting people up for success. Its making sure they are in position to win and win big.

Culture Building

We help organizations build a culture that allows their people to thrive. It will be a place that people will grow and the best version of themselves. It is a safe place to be themselves and grow. It is an empowering place that fuels amazing productivity and success.

Team Building

Our approach to building teams is to help them create the chemistry that will allow them to work together and achieve together. The more they understand and honor how each other functions and see things the greater that chemistry will be.

Character Building

Our character training was designed to help each person hone in on the areas that are hindering them from achieving the goals they have. It also addresses the areas of weakness in their design that are slowing or stopping their progress in the workplace. Character is one of the most important aspects of who you are that creates the results that you are looking for.

 Learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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