Our insights help people discover who they are and what they can do to live more meaning and fulfilled lives.

The first step in living a more meaningful and fulfilled life is to define what that means to you. The more you understand who you are the better you will be able to answer that question. You will be able to make decisions that align with who you are and what actually fulfills you. The Intrinsic motivation paradigm will help you not only understand why you do what you do and what you are able to do but how to apply those insights to every area of your life.


These Insights about who you are will have a powerful impact on your personal life. It will give you deep insights about everything from the how you work to how you relate to those around you. You will quickly be able to align your decisions and strategies with the outcomes that are the most meaningful and fulfilling.


Taking these insights into your professional life will give you an advantage. You will be able to tap into what motivates you and your ability to create and innovate. You be able to create the culture and support you need to excel in every venture you are undertaking.

Our Approach

We have developed tools and processes that help each person understand their intrinsic motivations design. Our models, methods and process were designed to help each person to take those insights and make key decisions that will allow them to thrive and fully see their potential optimize for the goals they have.

It starts with understanding the factors that are connected to your ability to accomplish your goals. Then it moves into you applying those insights into the work you are doing, making it possible to do it better.

Discover your unique approach to life and work.

We are able to help people achieve extraordinary results by helping them become more self-directed and competent at achieving their goals and accomplishing their dreams. We are able to help people achieve extraordinary results by helping them become more self-directed and competent in who they are.

Get deeper insights about your Design.

The more you know the more you can do. We have a number of resources to help you grow your base of understanding about how you work and why you do what you do. This will go along ways toward helping you accomplish your goals and dreams.

Develop the skillsets + mindsets that allow you to optimize your Design.

There are a host of skills you will need to develop to be able to grow in your knowledge of your design. One of the skills is your awareness. It will allow you to be conscious of the options and opportunities that are available for you use your amazing abilities.

Apply the insights and skills to every Area of your life.

Learning to take the insights and apply them to various areas of your they pertain to takes skill and a different mindset than you have been use to having. It will take practices and on going adjustments but it will be worth it. It will allow you to tap into a treasure trove of insights that will accelerate your progress everywhere you are willing to apply these insights.


Increased Emotional + Social Awareness (EQ)

Develop your Personal Metrics + KPI for Success

Confidence + Competency

Increase in your Personal Leadership Quotient

Tapping into your Unique Abilities and Drives

Mental + Emotional Wellness

We are able to help people achieve extraordinary results by helping them become more self-directed and competent at achieving their goals and accomplishing their dreams. Ultimately, our work is only successful when each person is able to tap into their inner coach and motivate themselves toward the ends that are needed to accomplish their goals. Helping people get unstuck and moving is one of the areas that we specialize in!

Who we work with:

We work with anyone that is interested in gaining a deeper understanding of who they are, why they do what they do and or what they can do as a result of these insights. We believe that everyone can benefit from discovering and learning more about themselves.

Areas of Application


Understanding your intrinsic nature and ablities will help you understand why you what you do. It will help you understand how you are innately motivated. It will give you clues why people respond to you the way they do. It will give you the tools and insights to adjust your self concept. It will show you are apart from what you have done and what others see you as . It will help you get in touch with your true self


We all have pretty much the same emotions, but we feel them differently. We experience them for different reason. We experience in different ways. This largely due to the difference in your mental and emotional make up. Being aware of that difference in yourself and others will raise your EQ exponentially and give you the insights you need to manage them.


Fulfillment’s the ultimate drive in all of our lives. Each of us were designed to be fulfilled in unique ways that coincide with our motivational design. Doing things that allow us to experience this sense of fulfillment more often will lead to a happier and meaningful life.


How we perform is connected to how we do things and get things done. It is also keyed into how we are motivated. These internal drivers allow us to push pass the difficulties of the projects that we are doing and figure a way to get things done. Wouldn’t it be nice know how to tap into that knowledge? This is where you learn how to!


Build better relationships because of your new found awareness of the dynamics of make up. You will understand how you see relationships and what you want out of them. You will be able to create relationships that support and nurture the special way you were designed to exist in the world. You will also have a better understanding of how support and nurture those you are in a relationship with through your knowledge of their unique design.


One of the major factors in how we are doing mentally and emotionally is if we like ourselves. This goes far beyond whether we think we are doing all the right things or whether we are successful. Many of us have never meant ourselves. We have always been who others have said we are. We are on a mission to help each person know that they are amazing and that difference lights up the world.


It doesn’t take us long in life to learn that everything isn’t for us. Even infants and toddlers know what they like and don’t like. We are born with a set of preferences by virtue of our natures. Learning what is our fit and our cup of tea is so important in life. Knowing your design can take a lot of the guess work out of why or who or what.


Learning to do things with your Strengths in view will accelerate your progress. We spend so much time on making our weaknesses stronger rather on using our strengths. You will start to learn about your strengths when you discover your Design. Taking time to not only learn about your strength but building the skill to use it at a high level will exponentially increase your movement toward success and achievement


Your creativity is vital to you being able to express and benefit from your amazing design. Through your creativity you are able to contribute to the world in the way that only you can. Knowing and embracing your unique perspective and your approach to doing things will help you protect your difference.

 Learn more about how we can help you achieve your goals.

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